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Importance of managing earnings - tax

It is not unusual for us to save our customers more in taxes than they pay in fees. Here are some reasons why

Manage the timing of VAT registration

If you charge consumers up to £84,999 per year for your services, your VAT bill could be 0. If you charge consumers £85,001 per year for your services, your VAT bill could be over £14,000.

If you intend to go over the VAT threshold, managing the timing of your registration could save you as much as £14,167 in VAT.


Given that managing VAT returns can cost in excess of £1,000 per year, you also save from lower administration and time costs, with removed or lower risks of fines.

Make an appropriate choice about whether to trade under different brands or names or companies

This can have substantial consequences on profit taxes, income taxes, and VAT bills. For example, if you have separate business activities managed through different companies, you might be allowed separate VAT thresholds for each business.

Make an appropriate choice about whether to trade under different brands or names or companies

This can have substantial consequences on profit taxes, income taxes, and VAT bills.

Withdraw earnings intelligently

For every £100,000 of cash available from your business to you each year, loss to taxes can be over £33,000 with poor income management or under £27,000 with effective income management. Given that you need to complete accounts anyway, choose Tile Accounting to help make sure you are saving at least this £6,000 per year from appropriate withdrawal methods.

Make registrations and filings at optimal times

Account between business and personal activities effectively

Withdraw earnings responsibly

Easy overview of your accounts all the time

No preparation or explanation required - just send your documents to us any time.

We email you a single report in the first week of every calendar month.


Give your documents to us any time in any of the following ways. There is no need to register in advance and no need to organise or collect your documents in one go.

By DropBox

Share your folder(s) with

By phone

0161 850 5923

24/7 service

By post

Tile Accounting

207 Regent Street

London W1B 4ND

Clear and predictable

Our fees are clear, simple, and pay-as-you-go. Except for charges paid on your behalf, all of our fees are detailed below. If there are any changes or differences to these because of unusual activity in your account, we will notify you in advance of charging you.

Our average self employed customer spends £584 a year.

Our average limited company customer spends £1,036 a year.

Charges are made to your card in the first week of each month when your latest status is sent to you.

There are no hidden charges for time or subscriptions. And no extra costs for sending your documents one by one or in batches. VAT is added to the prices shown for most customers.


per page

Document provided by you


per page

Document page created by us on your behalf


per vehicle

Vehicle sale


per quarter

VAT Return


per staff member

per payment




per contractor

per payment


one time

New company incorporation


one time

VAT registration assistance


per year

Self Assessment


per year

Company accounts


one time

PAYE registration assistance


per month

Professional email

Powered by google


per month

Mailing address


per month

Telephone number

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